“Whatever my lot, Thou
has taught me to say, ‘It is well, it is well with my soul.’ “
-It is Well with My
Miscarriage. An ugly word for an even uglier reality. A
reality that my husband and I are all too familiar with. These past six months
have been the most trying in our lives, losing babies, being a great distance
from dear family and friends, adjusting to a new life in an unknown place. The
weight of our burden, at times, seems as if it is too much to carry any longer.
And in the midst of our loneliest days and darkest nights, the Lord has shown
us His goodness. Yes, I said it, His goodness.
I read, “For the Lord God is a sun and shield: The Lord
gives grace and glory; no good thing does He withhold from those who walk
uprightly” Psalm 84:11. There it was, the Truth before my very eyes “…no good thing does He withhold from
those who walk uprightly.”
“But, Lord, we long for children, we have searched our
hearts, we have sought You, we have examined our lives and our motives and we
believe they are good.” And they may well be, but I am reminded that just
because my desires are good, it does not entitle me to them. A good example
from a dear friend was that of David, and his desire to build the temple.
However, it was not for him to build it, but for him to raise his son to do so
(1 Chronicles 22). I am not guaranteed, in this life, to make it to the other
side of miscarriage. I am not promised physical children. However, I am promised that He will withhold no
good thing, so long as I “continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not
shifting from the hope of the Gospel which [I] heard…”(Colossians 1:23). Thus,
were it good (for our sanctification and for His glory) for us to have children
now, we would have them. When His good is different than mine, His is always
better because He is truly good. My
idea of good is tainted by a broken world and a fallen humanity. Who knows good
better than the One Who is Himself, good.
A sweet friend reminded me recently of the truth found in 1
Thessalonians 4:13, that we do not grieve as those who have no hope, but we, who
are His, rejoice in the hope we have of eternity with Him. Eternity where every
tear will be wiped away; a life free of pain, miscarriages, loss, sin, and
death. This affliction is “light and momentary” and the glory is what’s eternal
(2 Corinthians 4:17). We rejoice that our citizenship is in Heaven (Philippians
3:20) and this grieving causes us to groan for our Savior’s return and the
redemption of our bodies (Romans 8:23). We are not guaranteed a life of ease,
free from pain and suffering, but for those of us who are found in Christ we are guaranteed this: “In Him [Jesus]
also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and
believed in Him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we
acquire possession of it, to the praise of His glory.” (Ephesians 1:13-14,
emphasis mine) Rejoice!
And, I must not miss the first part of this blessed Truth, “…the
Lord gives grace and glory…” He gives His children grace to sustain us in this
life so that we may partake in His glory in the life to come. He is light [sun]
by which we see and faith [shield] by which we walk. We have hope in this: the perfect life, death, and resurrection of
Jesus Messiah. This alone is reason
to sing and rejoice, even in the depths of despair. Believers, fix your eyes on
Christ , rejoice and sing in the hope you have found in Him. Unbelievers, repent, look unto Christ, and find a reason to
rejoice and sing in Him. He, alone,
is my hope and my joy. He is good. Rejoice!
We are thankful for the dear brothers and sisters who are
bearing this burden with us, laboring for us in prayer, and encouraging us in
truth. Thank you for not letting us forget truth and for, “stirring us up by
way of reminder” (2 Peter 1:13).
“Though great our sins and sore our woes
His grace much more aboundeth;
His helping love no limit knows,
Our upmost need it soundeth.
Our Shepherd good and true is He,
Who will at last His Israel free
From all their sin and sorrow”
-From Depths of Woe
Nathan and I want not your pity nor your praise, but only for
you to see the goodness of our God and King and the glory of our sweet Savior.
By His grace.
For His glory.
And…again I say, rejoice!
You are a wise young woman and God will bless!
ReplyDeleteY'all are the most encouraging people I know. I love you Katie and I am praying for both of you. So encouraged that y'all are praising His Name through times of trial. I love and miss you so much.