Kate and I have felt guilty lately.
Why have we felt guilty, you ask? It’s simple. We’ve had this blog a long time.
Not only have we not used it as often as we intended, I haven’t blogged on it
at all. It’s become a bit like a diet. Something we make mention of often but
never actually get around to instituting. Sure, while you’re eating the double
bacon cheeseburger (hypothetical in this country of course) you say, ‘I should
really eat healthy,’ but that doesn’t stop you from ordering a milkshake
Why is this such a big deal? There
are lots of families and couples who don’t blog, so why do we feel guilty about
not using ours? For several reasons….
First, we
left a lot of very close family and friends in Auburn, Huntsville and
Birmingham. We miss their fellowship dearly, talking to them, hearing about
their lives and sharing about ours. We said to many of them, ‘We’ll keep in
touch,’ but a skype call once in a blue moon hardly makes up for the daily
interactions we had with them. So consider this our contribution to the
discussion, we want you to see what we go through on a day to day basis, not
because it’s overly exciting, but because we miss you and love you and want to
keep up with you (so please, update your blogs as well, or send us an email
about ours every once in a while.)
Second, we
know the experiences we are having here are forming us. We want our friends whom
we have parted with to know what we’re are going through, and see how some of
our views, thoughts and behaviors will have changed the next time we see them.
Formation happens in community with others, and we praise God for a dear
community here, but we also want our former communities to see what is
happening to us.
Third, and
very selfishly, we want to learn how to communicate better. Writing is an
excellent way for us to express our thoughts in an ordered, intentional
fashion, and that’s how we want to speak, think, and talk. This blog will,
hopefully, be a tool teaching us how to do that. So please, if you don’t understand
what we’re saying, ask us, it will help us more than it helps you.
So here’s
our plan, hopefully we will hold each other accountable, and maybe you can help
hold us accountable too! For the next two months, we each are agreeing to post
one blog post a week (one from me and one from Kate). The topic is of little
importance to us, it may be our thoughts, it may be our experiences, it will
likely be a mixture of both. We are also going to post a third post in the
week, a collection of things we’ve seen/read/enjoyed on this here computer, to
hopefully encourage you (since we realize, almost every other blogger has more
to say than we do). So for the next two months, that’s three posts a week. Don’t
feel obligated to read or comment, but if you do, thanks. We hope it will
encourage you as much as you have encouraged us.
In His love, grace and peace,
Nathan and Kate.
P.S. Here’s a picture from our trip to the Bedouin Market
today! Enjoy!
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