Monday, July 1, 2013

A Visit from The Douthits

We recently had the pleasure of having our family come to visit. We had a great time while they were here. While the journey began with a rough start (especially for Micah and Dad), we had a great week travelling, spending time together, swimming, playing games, and feasting! Saying goodbye was difficult, but we sure are glad for the time we had with them, and thank the Lord for the great families we are blessed to be a part of. We were reminded of His grace in giving us generous, supportive, encouraging, and gracious parents, and we are thankful that our families are willing for travel halfway around the world to see us. Oh, what grace!
            We had a variety of adventures. Dad and Micah took 56 hours to arrive. Micah got to experience firsthand the ingenuity of our landlord in repairing our electricity (sticking a live wire back into a fried breaker). Dad and Nathan got to spend frustrating hours trying to clean out a clogged drain using  our hands, a hanger, a drain cleaner, a snake and every other tool known to man. Also, everyone got the very entertaining experience of hearing Nathan talk on the phone with the internet company all through one evening’s dinner. Besides that, the whole trip was as smooth as glass.
            One of our favorite events was a barbecue we hosted for all our friends to come and meet our family. We are so proud of our family and speak of them often, so it was wonderful for all our friends to get the meet them! They have, obviously, been very formative for us, and we were so glad to let our friends match a face with the stories we tell.

Below are some of our favorite pictures from our time together!

In conclusion, we had a fantastic time with our family, and thank God for them. Even with all the "excitement," they were an encouragement to our hearts and a blessing to our souls. We’re looking forward to your visit next!


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