Sunday, March 30, 2014

Judson: Three Months!

Well, folks, I'm three months. This past month I got some more shots (not too fun), took my first train ride, was dedicated before the church, heard dad teach for the first time,and got to meet Gigi, Great Grandma, and Great Grandad. Papa couldn't make it this time, but I sure can't wait to meet him and all my aunts, uncles, and cousins this Summer! At my appointment this month we found out I weighed 14.5 pounds. Here in Israel, that's in the 97th percentile. Dad tells me that means I can beat up 96 other skinny likes to remind him that some of those babies are little ladies, and we treat them gently. While our family visitors were here I got lots and lots of attention, and I confess, I really liked it:) No worries though, I was good for mom and dad after they left. I am now giggling, and have learned that I have control over when I'm awake and asleep. This makes it hard sometimes to go to sleep...there's just so many things to see!

Here's some pictures from our last month!

just like dad

I was a little uncertain about the Ergobaby the first time...

but I decided I like it!

our selfie


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