Sunday, May 4, 2014

Judson: Four Months!

I'm four months! Mom can hardly believe it...but, it's true. I did lots of growing in this past month (I'm pretty good at that whole growing thing!) I'm a great sleeper for the most part. Mom and Dad usually put me to bed around 8:30 and mom gets me up and feeds me one last time before she goes to bed. After that, I wake up around 3:00 to eat again, and then again at 7:30. Sometimes I'll even go back to sleep at 7:30 and sleep until almost 10:00! I like my sleep...and I sleep hard:) I also went to the beach for the first time! We had a great time, but I wasn't a huge fan of the was a bit too cold for my taste.

My next doctor's appointment isn't until next week so we aren't sure exactly how much I weigh these days, but according to our scale at home, I am somewhere in the 18 pounds range. If this is true, I've almost tripled my birth weight! Tummy time is really fun now that I can hold my head pretty easily, and now I can roll from my back to my front. Playing with my toys is fun too now that I can hang onto them! Mom and I are getting into a nice little routine with laundry, groceries, and whatnot. I like being in my stroller, and I am certainly a social guy. I like to talk loud just to make sure everyone hears me:)

We sure can't wait to get back to the States and see all our friends and family!

I love my giraffe from the Gallants


my first trip to the beach!

Esther comes to visit:)

I sleep hard...


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