Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Judson: Six Months!

Folks, I'm a week late on my post, but this past week has been a doosy! We went to Mimi and Pops last weekend and I got to meet Uncle Andrew, we had to go up to Huntsville for a doctor's appointment for dad, and then three days later we were back up in Huntsville at Gigi and Papa's to visit with the whole family. We celebrated my cousin, Emery's, third birthday, watched some fireworks, went to a Worlund family reunion, visited West Huntsville, and then headed back down to the Plains. And THAT was just SINCE I turned six months, folks.

In my sixth month, I took my first ever plane ride to the good 'ole US of A. I was a champ. I slept about 11 hours of the 12 hour plane ride. Uncle Yossi and Aunt Jamie were on the flight with us:) Mom and Dad finally got chick-fil-a when we landed in Philly...they were pretty excited about that. 
The two short plane rides were a little harder on this little man, but I survived...and so did Mom and Dad:) 

When we landed, we had lots a family waiting on us. We spent a few days in Huntsville, a few days in Chelsea, and then headed off to the Plains for dad to begin his studying for the USMLE. Since being in Auburn, I have gotten to meet lots of great people! We have spent time with many of Mom and Dad's dear friends and gotten to see lots of family. The Lord has been very gracious to our family to surround us with so many fine folks:) 

I have learned to sit up, to scoot around, and I am eating solid foods! So far, I like avocados, zucchini, carrots, and cereal! I also really like to play in the walker. It's been a pretty big growing month for this guy!

Here is my last month in pictures!

Meeting Papaw and Helen

Playing with Ellen and Papaw

Happy Father's Day, Dad!

Meeting Rylynn...and Mr. Trey and Mrs. Mary

Playing with the Pughs

Helping Aunt Jess and Uncle Logan Move to Auburn

Four Generations of Douthit Men


Emery's Birthday

Watching Fireworks

Playing with Emery and Mya

Look What I can Do!

I Loved the Bubbling Boulder:)

Me and Nova, Aunt Jess and Uncle Logan's New Puppy


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