Thursday, October 27, 2011

"Nobody said it was easy. No one ever said it would be this hard..."

Whoever said blogging was easy? Maybe the fact that I lack computer "savvyness" has a little something to do with it...but it does not come easy for this gal. It's not so much the posting (although I'm not very good about doing that), as much as it is the personalization. The cutesy design and whatnot. Luckily, google has an answer to just about all of my blogging inquiries! I'm pretty sure by now, I could have a Ph. D. in google.

On another thought, I have begun making our Christmas decor for mine and Nate's first Christmas! It's so fun! We are trying to decorate's amazing how creative you get when you have to. (And it's way more fun to make things, anyway!) Hopefully I will be able to put pictures of my new decorations....


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