Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Life in Beer Sheva

The past few weeks have been great! We have really been blessed by the people we have met, the friends we have made, the fellowship we have shared, and the opportunities we have had to learn so much. We are both adjusting well and are even beginning to communicate in Hebrew (praise the Lord!)   Last week after Kehila (the congregation we have been worshipping with) we were able to have a Shabbat dinner with one of the faculty members of Nathan's program. We really enjoyed the time we were able to spend with that family. We were able to learn and they were very patient with us as we asked LOTS of questions :)

We are also thankful for the fellowship we have had these past few weeks with the folks from the Kehila. We are thankful for the community we find there and for the love they have for the Lord. The message is given in Hebrew, but there is a live translation into English which is great! We also sing the songs in Hebrew, but they are translated for us so that we can know what we are singing. I must say, there is something pretty neat about worshipping Yeshua (Jesus) in the very language he spoke while He walked on the Earth.

We have found sweet fellowship here. I have drawn much encouragement from many women here, some married for years with kids, some only married a few weeks, some single, some older, some younger...and I have gleaned so much wisdom from them all. I was convicted just yesterday as I was talking with a sister, we were talking about praying for the Lord to open our eyes to what ministry He would have us be apart of while we are here. She was saying that she struggled at first with what she was going to do, but just shared how even if her only ministry right now and for the next couple years is to serve her husband and to support him, love him, encourage him, and care for him, then that's what she wanted to do. In that moment I realized I had been overlooking the ministry I have to my husband. I was convicted and realized that I had been discontent with the lack of opportunities I have had, instead of praising Him for ones I do have. I'm thankful that the Lord is using these women to speak Truth into my life and to kindly rebuke (even when they don't realize it). :) God is glorified in our obedience, not our results.
“Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices,
    as in obeying the voice of the Lord?
Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice,
    and to listen than the fat of rams."
1 Samuel 15:22

On another note, we have settled into our place quite nicely and we love it! The location is great, and we are very blessed with lots of space, all of the basics, and a great landlord. The Lord's provision has blown us away. Thank you friends and family for your faithfulness to give of yourselves, your resources, and for praying for us. And for your viewing pleasure, here are some pictures of our place!

our bedroom

your bedroom when you come to visit :)

living room

living room

our porch/ dining room


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