Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Glimpse at the Past Month

Things have been quite busy since I began Hebrew class. Five hours a day, five days a week, plus homework doesn't leave a whole lot of free time. And the free time I do get, I like to spend with my man:) Nevertheless, we felt that we should update everyone a bit on the last month here in the desert. So without further ado...

  First, this is a video of part of the oath that the first years took at the Physician's Oath Ceremony

these next few pictures just cracked me up, this was on our trip to Tzafat


The Mediterranean. We totally swam in it!

In Cana, the vessels are similar to the kind that were used for ceremonial washing

Capernaum: this was probably our favorite place

some beautiful views from our drive through Galilee

nature reserve where we took a little hike

some more of Tzafat

the Sea of Galilee

our goodies from the Gallants and a sweet card from the Minks
some of our goodies from mom

As you can see, the past month has been a busy one! We had many holidays: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippor, and Succoth all happened in the month of September. We were able to do a bit of travelling up north in the Galilee/ Golan Heights region, and were blessed by friends and family sending their love! The month of September was not without its difficulties, but we praise God for His goodness to us. And on another note, things are beginning to cool off a bit here in the desert:) 

"I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." Psalm 27:13


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