Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Jerusalem- Part 3

On Shabbat (Saturday/Sabbath) I surprised Nathan with a tour of the Mount of Olives. We enjoyed the tour and our guide...we even had some fellow southerners in our tour group! We began our tour by taking a bus to the top of the mount. The view was incredible....we were able to look out and see the entire city of Jerusalem. Perhaps it was something similar to what Jesus saw in Matthew 23:37-39. As we made our way down the mount, we caught glimpses of many things...whether these are the exact geographical locations of where these things took place or not, no one can know. However, we were humbled as we walked the streets and were reminded of our redemption, purchased by the blood of Jesus. We have been pardoned by the Sovereign, wrapped in the righteousness of the Son of God who died, was buried, and rose three days later. We have been adopted as sons and daughters of our Heavenly Abba. What kind grace. Available to all who will repent and look unto Christ for Salvation. We are thankful for the opportunity we had to see these things and pray that as you peruse our pictures, you too will praise Him  for the "great things He hath done."

Truth being proclaimed

a remnant of mosaic from the Byzantine period

at the Church of Pater Noster...where they think Jesus taught the disciples to pray

The view of Jerusalem

view of Jerusalem, with whitewashed tombs in the foreground

where they think Jesus lamented for Jerusalem


Garden of Gethsemane


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