Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Week in Review (5.19)

Here are a few of the blogs, sites and/or articles that we have been encouraged by or interested in this week, as well as our picture of the week!

The Real Life of the Pro-Life Home- We were encouraged by this reflection on the Gosnell trial and the real nature of the pro-life movement.

Abandoned Star Wars Sets in the Desert- This is a fun slide show of Star Wars sets that were left behind in North Africa after filming!

'Read' This Article-This is written by a law school classmate of Nathan's brother, Tim, and is a great explanation of why Christians should be readers.

W. W. Jay-Z?- Forewarning: This article is rather lengthy. It is, however, an interesting look at the idea of Christian hip-hop, the use of different genres in scripture, and how different musical styles lend themselves to different types of lyrics.

Why French Kids Don't Have ADHD-You may have seen this bouncing around Facebook, but if you haven't, it is worth the read. Whether or not you agree, it's interesting to see how society defines illness and how our surroundings affect our behavior.

Picture of the Week: We in Be'er Sheva have long been anticipating the opening of "The Beach." It has been in the works since before Kate and I arrived, so we strolled over tonight to take a look. It's no Gulf Shores, but it looks like a fun way to beat the heat this summer!


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