Saturday, May 25, 2013

Week in Review (5.25)

Here are a few of the blogs, sites and/or articles that we have been encouraged by or interested in this week, as well as our picture of the week!

What Our Words Tell Us-A very interesting look (using this very cool tool) at the way our changes in culture are reflected by the changes in our language. Or vice versa.

Ian and Larissa: One Year Later-If you haven't seen this touching video, you should. The article is a recap on one year of marriage between a man who suffered a brain injury and his faithful wife.

Is The News Making Us Dumb?- We were reminded of this article as we heard this week about the tragedy in Oklahoma. The first paragraph is a particular indictment against me (Nathan), in my desire to be "educated", do I really wait to find out all the facts or do I just repeat tweets that I've read?

Rhythm's 'Rite'-If you looked at our last "Week in Review" you might have read the article about hip-hop and music in general. While not a direct response to that article, this is an interesting look at the history of rhythm-driven music in the western world, and an opinion (one we disagree with) on how the Christian should handle those things.

Picture of the Week: This weekend we took a trip to a new mall in a city already filled with malls. This mall, however, the "Grand Kenyon" (Kenyon is Hebrew for mall), is supposedly the biggest in the Middle East. We don't know about the truth of that claim, but it does have over 300 stores and is big in our opinion!


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