In any person's life there are specifically applicable truisms, or proverbs, if you want to call them as such. When you make a major transition, advice that you thought was unwise becomes invaluable and you find yourself replaying it to yourself and saying it again to others. In my transition from a born and raised Alabaman at Auburn University to an MSIH Student in Be'er Sheva, I've found myself developing a litany of catchphrases for common use. I thought listing them here would make for a unique window into our life.
"You Don't Have to be the Smartest, You Just Can't be the Dumbest"
When I decided as a young man to pursue medicine as a profession, I knew there would be many challenges to overcome. I would have to be smart, disciplined, empathetic and kind. I knew I would have to overcome mountains of adversity. What I did not anticipate climbing was mountains of paperwork. This first catchphrase is one that comes very handy when faced with stacks of paper, sometimes with clear English instructions and sometimes lacking. It is easy to get nervous when filing apartment tax, water and gas bill change of name forms, requesting a bank account, signing for a cell phone, or submitting a visa renewal. At those times, it is important to remember that there are many students who have gone before Kate and me, and none of them were deported or executed for misfiling paperwork (we hope). So, I don't have to exceed the standard of those noble trailblazers, I just don't want to be the first to suffer such an unfortunate fate.
"Make Yourself Big"
I must confess that this is a saying from a few transitions ago that has come back to be of great benefit to me. When I was a young, gangly middle schooler, "big" was probably the last word to describe me. I think tall, skinny, and lanky would have all been descriptively featured before it. But, to learn to be a strong power forward or center in basketball, I had to know how to clear space in the lane. As such, I was often told to square my soldiers, put my elbows out, widen my base, and "make myself big." Little did I know this advice would be so useful long after my basketball career was over! Getting on busses, holding a place in line, or trying to order coffee, it is essential to remind myself and my more petit wife, that we must get big.
"First Try is Free"
In the Israeli medical education system (as well as, from what I understand, the European system). There are very few mid semester tests or assignments. For the majority of my classes, the final is 90-100% of my grade. This can put considerable pressure on an already stressed out student. Luckily there is a fantastic invention here called "moed bet" which means, if you fail a final, you get a second chance to take a final for the class again a few weeks later. To avoid breaking down under the stress of finals, it's important to be reminded that the first try doesn't cost anything, and you can always have the security of the second try.
"Find What Works For You"
Take a quick break from reading, and do a google search. Search "USMLE prep." You will be astonished by the number of results that can come up. Whether it's USMLE World, Firecracker, Picmonic, Doctors in Training, or any other program, there are enough study materials to make your head spin. These things can be very helpful, but they can also be distracting. It is important to remember that every student has their own style, and while one person may rave about a particular program, another may hate the same thing. It's important for me, as I study and plan my school schedule, to find the things that work for me, and focus on those, not being distracted by the successes or failures of others.
"We are Sojourners and Foreigners Here"
In a student Bible Study that Kate and I attended this week, we studied Genesis 23. Abraham addresses himself to the Hittite elders as being a "sojourner and foreigner" among them. He acknowledges that he does not belong to them, and proceeds to honor their cultural customs in purchasing land. We are in a similar situation, with our families having no contact with this culture before our arrival. Each offense we take and each mistake we make, we need to remind ourselves that just because we don't understand it, doesn't mean it isn't valid.
In the New Testament, Hebrews 11 tells us that Abraham and his family were not only sojourners in the land, but were exiles on this earth, seeking a better homeland. In the same way, our lives are hidden with Christ in God and this world is not our home. So when it is easy to be frustrated about grades, administration, and difficult situations, we need to be reminded that we live for something greater. We are here to proclaim God's glory in the gospel in every place we find ourselves, but we will always be outsiders here. When we are confused and hurt we don't withdraw from the surrounding world, but we do remember that it is not ultimate.
So I conclude this already long post by saying this: I hope our little sayings have given you a different insight into our life here. Some are original, some were imparted to us by others. We appreciate the wisdom given by those around us, and hope these may cause you to consider what truisms are common in your own lives.
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