Thursday, March 22, 2012

"And these are but the outer fringe of His works..." Job 26:14

“Namaste” dear brothers and sisters! (Just doing a little work on my Hindi) J
 South Asia…
            Here’s a little recap of our trip…we were so blessed to be able to go and to see the faithfulness of the Lord to provide our way. He is so good.
We arrived around 1:30am on Sunday morning, went to bed around 3am and were awake and ready for Church by 7:30! It was neat to attend their church there and be encouraged by our brothers and sisters who are (quite literally) on the other half of the world. That afternoon we hit up some Indian cuisine and did a few “touristy” things in the city where we were staying. Monday we visited a local pastor who is trying to build some rapport with people in the community…we were able to visit some of the people door-to-door in his community and pray over families. Sound a little like Acts? (Acts 20:20)  It was interesting to see how the Lord is working there. The pastor was telling us that a lot of people come to faith in that community after someone in their family is healed from an illness or demon-possession. Usually they bring that family member to the church to pray for healing and once they see the miraculous healing of the Lord they realize Jesus is the only one who can truly heal us from our greatest sickness…sin. This gave a whole new meaning to the henna stories we learned about the demon-possessed man and the bleeding woman in Mark 5. I was even able to share my testimony with one of the families that had recently began following Christ. Tuesday was our tourist day. We saw the Taj Mahal in all its magnificence…and it was magnificent!
 Wednesday began our 3 day henna adventure! K (the missionary we worked with) is teaching some of the ladies in a local church how to use henna to teach Bible stories. The goal is that those women will go into their communities and share the Gospel with other women using henna. Wednesday and Thursday we went with one of those ladies to a couple of locations where she is taking the stories she learns and telling them to women in her community. It was such a blessing to see the women smiling as they heard these stories (some for the first time). My eyes were also opened to see how the Gospel transcends language barriers…and how the love of Christ can be expressed even to someone who doesn’t speak my language. Having Nathan there was such a blessing to those women as well. In their culture, husbands don’t spend time with their wives, they were blessed to see Nathan protecting us and encouraging us as we ministered to them.  Nathan was able to spend time with B (the missionary we worked with) and learn a lot about how to help encourage local pastors. He went with B to a meeting between some of the local pastors there. He was also able to serve alongside and encourage B. And I mustn’t forget to add, on top of all that, he was  our wonderful photographerJ  Nathan and I both were able to spend time with B and K and their 2 precious little girls and see what life and ministry are like cross-culturally. It definitely confirmed even more in our hearts the desire to serve the Lord cross-culturally one day. We are, once again, so thankful for the prayers and support of our dear brothers and sisters!

In Christ,

The Douthits


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